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U.S. Dept. of Labor Poster FFCRA-deadline for posting

Employee Rights Posting Notice under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) By April 1, 2020, a covered employer with fewer...

Update for employers during COVID-19 pandemic

A brief overview of some useful resources for employers to prepare for COVID-19 health emergency. To read file, please follow the link...

New York State Paid Family Leave – 2019 Updates

January 1, 2019: Employees in New York State are eligible to receive 10 weeks of Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits during any 52-week...

L-1 Blanket petitions for multinational companies

If you are a multinational company you may have the option to file a single L-1 blanket petition to seek L-1 status for multiple aliens....

B-1/B-2 Temporary Visitors (Business/Pleasure)

Purpose: B-1/B-2 visas are intended for temporary visitors coming to the United States for business and short-term training (B-1) or for...

J-1 Exchange Visitors (Interns and Trainees)

Purpose: J-1 Internship programs enable foreign college and university students or recent graduates to come to the United States to...

H-1B Specialty Occupations

Purpose: The H-1B visa is available to professionals in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires the theoretical and...

L-1 Intra-Company Transferee

Purpose: The L-1A visa enables a U.S. employer to transfer an executive or manager from one of its affiliated foreign offices to one of...

E-1 Treaty Trader/E-2 Treaty Investor

Purpose: Treaty Trader Visas (E-1) and Treaty Investor Visas (E-2) are non-immigrant visas for nationals of a country with which the...

USCIS - H-1B Cap Lottery for 2019

On April 11, USCIS used a computer-generated random selection process to select enough H-1B petitions to meet the...

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